Things change and change can be okay.

Posted by Rain Kleindolph on

As COVID starts to surge again with the Delta variant, all of my hopeful plans for future festivals and local events have once again been tabled. We are back in distancing mode, masking, and largely isolating so that we can spend time with our young grandchildren safely. We wish for a pediatric vaccine so we can stop holding our breath about it. That is the reality of our day to day life again and I don't see it changing in time for the fall festival season or winter holidays either. 

And that is okay. The best thing we can do is get out of the way right now and not complain about it. It's a no brainer really.  We will not be vending at festivals when crowded festivals will still get vulnerable people killed. AND. I can't keep this site shuttered forever out of my fear of my unmasked, unvaccinated neighbors standing in line at the post office with me. The show must go on, as they say.

One of my favorite spiritual leaders, Nadia Bolz-Weber, said in a recent blog post,
"what is healthier for us: to keep acting and wishing and hoping it’s over soon and then having our hearts broken over and over - OR - maybe just assuming it is going to be years of this and acting accordingly. Planting gardens. Learning to cook more stuff. Meeting more neighbors. Living the life our dogs want us to live. Because then if it DOES end soon or even soon-ish, we get to be overwhelmed with joy and surprise. But if it lasts for years we are prepared (kind of) and able to live each day to the fullest possible extent."

She's so right.

In light of that, I have been working on updating the website a little bit. I'm changing my collection and retiring a large number of old designs. The most exciting change I'm making is going to be sharing my original art, art prints, and greatly expanding our line of Jewish jewelry and Judaica offerings. 

I am making this switch at a time when Jewish businesses are actively being targeted by antisemites. But this is a Jewish business, it always has been, and I have always been a Jewish artist. The rising antisemitism at this time in America and around the globe makes me want to share my beautiful cultural and ethnoreligious roots even more. People telling me not to wrap my hair or wear my Magen David because it isn't safe just makes me want to go bigger.  For me, it is an act of defiance. One in a long line of little (and big) acts of defiance made by the people who came before me.

Defiance is a candle held up against the scary dark that I see rising, and that also feels meaningful and connected. 

I hope you come with me on the journey. Just here, online, where we can continue to help keep each other safe for a while longer. 

Be well, friends. 


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