What the heck, 2020?

Posted by Rain Kleindolph on

When I last posted, I said, "what a long, strange, trip it's been..." and honestly, that was not an invitation for it to get longer or stranger. 

As of 5/10: we are open on a very limited basis again. That means, there is stock, it is available for sale on the site, and I am shipping. But, it is one day a week, with a longer than usual handling time (7-10 days), and no rush or Priority orders. I'm offering limited amounts of stock, as I'm using this time to re-vamp the website, re-doing shop photography, adjusting prices, and re-thinking most of my lines.

I'll be honest. I'm not sure anyone really *needs* art jewelry during a global pandemic? I'm not sure when we'll gather in our sparkly finery again. I'll be very happy when that happens, of course. I'll be thrilled when we can safely gather outside of our homes and go to festivals and concerts and Faires again, but I'm not interested in rushing that process.

Right now, in all honesty, the priority is not on going out and looking good, it's on staying well and protecting each other.  In light of those priorities and everything else, I don't know where my work sits. I just know that the answer is "probably not real high."  And I am, surprisingly, really okay with that. 

Please make sure your own oxygen masks are on tight, ok?

Stay safe, stay home, stay well. Take long walks, eat good food, take vitamins and get some sleep.

I want to see you coming up to say hi to me at Faires and Festivals, I want you healthy and enjoying sparkly things for many years to come.

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